Not only did their editorial team have quite a lot of questions in store for the eight manufacturers/experts that participated in the large debate on ventilation, but through social media channels, they also called on their readers and followers to put forward their most pressing questions relating to ventilation. Three of them took the questions, including the question put forward by Hamster Cleaning regarding the cleaning of air ducts.
You can read the panel’s response to this question on this page (dutch).
Hamster Cleaning would like to add the following comments to the panel’s response:
The systematic maintenance of a ventilation system does indeed require quite some coordination work and technical expertise (replacement of filters, cleaning the condenser, rectifying faults, etc.). You can acquire this expertise by working with a specialised cleaning firm. The internal cleaning of the ducts of a ventilation system does not form part of this systematic maintenance, whereas an annual inspection of the cleanliness of the air ducts, in accordance with EN 15780, is part of this maintenance. If necessary, prompt action (for example, cleaning the air ducts) can then be taken.